Interested in Choir?
Thanks for showing an interest in Show Choir At ASE.
We are now Preparing for our 2014-2015 Show Choir Season.
Our Show Choir will be filled with a diverse Elementary age group ranging from 1st-5th Grade.
Show Choir meets every Monday after school from 3:15-4:00.
Show Choir costs $60 per Semester, Per Choral Member ($120 per year) for the 2013-2014 school year.
As of now, The Phoenix Soarers are accepting 11 new Choral members.
Auditions will begin in August 2014 when School begins.
ASE show choir is a choral ensemble specializing in the stylized performance of music of the popular culture and that of the musical theatre. The aural aspect of the performance is often enhanced by the visual medium through choreography, costuming, props and sets.
We are now Preparing for our 2014-2015 Show Choir Season.
Our Show Choir will be filled with a diverse Elementary age group ranging from 1st-5th Grade.
Show Choir meets every Monday after school from 3:15-4:00.
Show Choir costs $60 per Semester, Per Choral Member ($120 per year) for the 2013-2014 school year.
As of now, The Phoenix Soarers are accepting 11 new Choral members.
Auditions will begin in August 2014 when School begins.
ASE show choir is a choral ensemble specializing in the stylized performance of music of the popular culture and that of the musical theatre. The aural aspect of the performance is often enhanced by the visual medium through choreography, costuming, props and sets.